Thursday, October 28, 2010

"I like the fact that she's athletic"

On my mind: All I have been able to think about for the past couple of days is how glad I am that I finally decided on a major. When people that come through my check-out line at work, instead of responding, "I'm not sure yet..." when they ask what I'm studying, I can finally say something and NOT sound like an ass. I can say, "I'm majoring in athletic training!" Maybe not so enthusiastically, but you get the point. Its weird though; A few weeks ago I never would have guessed that this would be my decision, and I never would have guessed that one conversation would be what made me decide. Crazy stuff, but hey, I guess thats cool. But hopefully, being a trainer will help me reach the ultimate goal of becoming a physicians assistant, and basically getting me them six figs mannnn. But yeah, its just a thought.

Well, to start off the day, I hopped out of bed, and went to my favorite class ever, Geology! (sike...) Then hit up my religious studies class afterwards. Had a quick lunch with Mcmanus and Jeff, then showered and went and worked 2-7. Then I got to eat supper with the fam at Harbor Inn; nothing beats a FREE dinner and quality time. On the agenda for tonight? MOVIE NIGHT AT BATES!!! YAY!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

just like myspace and facebook before it, i have fallen victim to blogger...

   Well, I guess you could say I caved and jumped on the blogspot bandwagon. Just like everyone else, I will now be posting my life and thoughts out in the open where EVERYONE can see it. But the point of this blog is to share my thoughts; specifically, the one thing that sticks out the most during the day in my mind. One thing. It can be about anything: good, bad, sad...who knows? I don't even know to be honest, this could even get pretty personal. But hell, why not right? Enjoy.